2024-2025 Board of Directors

President: Brandon Ayers
President Elect: Todd Worley
Treasurer: Tiffany Laird
Secretary: Carolyn Ayers
Communications: Carolyn Ayers
Scholarships: Mike DiRocco
Athletics: Todd Worley
Social Media: Miguel Awamy
Directors At Large: Brandy Stasiak, Jon Yow, Linda Boyd, John Boyd, Leah Olivolo, April Worley

We are always looking to add members to our Board of Directors. If you are interested please complete the form below and email it to claycountygators@gmail.com or mail us!

Need to renew your Family Sponsorship? Click below!

$35 Annually

- Includes full club privileges for you, your spouse and minor children

Want to have your business showcased?! Click below!

$150 Annually

- Full club privileges for you, your spouse and minor children

- Sponsorship of one meeting ($100 Value)

- One year advertising in the CCGC Blue Pages ($30 Value)

Interested in our
Orange & Blue sponsorship?
Click below!

$500 Annually

- Includes ALL business sponsor benefits AND your choice of an autographed football/basketball

Contact CCGC



Mail: Clay County Gator Club®

PO Box 2011 Orange Park, FL 32067